Below, there are testimonials from both current members & alumni of the Investments Committee.
Read what makes the IC special to them, and click each name to view their LinkedIn profile!
Eric Van Ness
Senior Financial Director
Eric is a fourth year student who is majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics. He was a part of the Fall 2021 mentorship class and through his time in the IC has served as a Quantitative Analyst, Senior Analyst, Sector Head, Director of the Portfolio, and now Senior Financial Director.
Why did you join IC?
As a computer science major, I wasn't sure at first if the IC was right for me, but I decided to join because I had previously traded stocks and options for fun. Having the opportunity to influence trades in a $2 million portfolio was pretty exciting as well.
What advice do you have for those looking to join the organization?
Regardless of what you're studying at Tech, if you're interested in learning more about finance, the mentorship program is great for gaining an expansive overview of financial concepts. It's a great way to get experience, network, and work on projects that are closely related to what you'll see on a professional investments team.
Parth Varshney
Sector Head, Utilities
Parth is 2nd year Industrial Engineering major from Roswell, Georgia. He has been in the IC for 3 semesters and has previously been a senior analyst in healthcare and analyst in financials. He is also involved in GT Trading Club as the Head of Market Insights and works at the GT start-up Airhart Technologies.
What is your favorite part about the IC?
“Managing a completely student run fund involuntarily creates an atmosphere where everyone collaborates with each other to critically analyze what the market is missing in. This process has been one of the highlights in my journey through the world of finance.“
How has the organization helped you professionally?
“The IC has given me great exposure to how a portfolio is run and the specific considerations that go into making an investing decision. My work helped me realize that it’s not only about the numbers - there are a magnitude of qualitative nuances and assumptions that go into financial analysis.“
Aanjan Sikal
Analyst, Healthcare
Aajan is a 2nd year Industrial Engineer from Johns Creek, Georgia. He has work experience as a technology intern at Brightstar Device Protection. On Campus, he is also a member of the of the GTSF First-Year Leadership Initiative and Greek Life.
Why did you decide to try to join the IC?
“I decided to join IC because I wanted to have a forum where I could research and discuss more about how the stock market works. Through FLI, I was able to get a mentor on the Board of Trustees. My mentor ended up being Jake DiBenedetto, who is the current Senior Managing Director of the IC. Being able to foster a relationship with Jake has already paid so many dividends, and I couldn't be more thrilled to experience all the IC has to offer!“
What was your experience going through mentorship?
“My mentorship class had a very unique experience because we did everything online in a virtual format. Regardless, the ten weeks I spent in mentorship were invaluable because I was able to pick up so much knowledge about the basics of researching and analyzing stock performances. The notes I took throughout the program will be the ones I use to build a foundation for my future.“
Anna Timm
Former Director of External Relations
Anna graduated in Fall of 2022 with a degree in Business Administration. She was in the IC for 6 semesters and interned at Coca-Cola, Mansfield Oil Company, and Truist where she is now working full-time. While on campus, she was also involved in Society of Women in Business and Greek Life.
What is your favorite part about the IC?
“My favorite part of the IC is that it is a totally student-managed fund that gives back to the Georgia Tech community through GTSF. The research and work that is put into IC is actually helping to benefit organizations on Georgia Tech’s campus.“
What is your favorite thing you have worked on?
“I enjoyed working on the presentation of Camden Property Trust (NYSE: CPT), because it was my first hands-on experience doing extensive research on a company. As an added bonus, the IC decided to invest in the company after we did the presentation.“
Ishaan Chatterjee
Former Director of the Portfolio
Ishaan is a recent graduate from Houston, Texas. He interned for SignatureFD, BP, and Moelis & Company where he is working full-time now. He was also a Stamps President’s Scholar and a member of the Georgia Tech chapter of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers.
How did the IC helped you professionally?
“It’s been the number one thing I’ve talked about during interviews and has certainly fascinated my interviewers across S&T and Investment Banking roles. I have actively been a member of the Accel Program within the IC which has been influential in my career development as well.“
Do you have any advice for people looking to join?
“Try and try again - I know many people who didn’t make it their first time around but this is by far the best organization on campus you can join if you are even remotely interested in a career in finance.“